Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 1 recap

Putting a few more stickers on Betty's rear end.
We would like to add a special thanks to Dana, Megan, & Jim S. for their help in creating the bed frame and mattress-stays, Craig and Stacy with the auxiliary battery and cooking supplies, Jeff and Shari for the power inverter, and Mark and Kathy & Jim and Faye for their help and support in making this sweet trip possible.

Adding the finishing touches on the van, our shelving unit. This is how Brent drills :)

Day 1 Picture 1

A look inside life in the van

Brent's first climb in Blue Mounds sporting the very fashionable plaid on blue.  This was picked as our first climbing destination, one of many great parks in MN.

Sarah's first climb in Blue Mounds ... posing inches above the ground.  The area supports no bolted protection so we set up a few toprope anchors and enjoyed the climbing on the quartzite rock. 

Paparazzing Sarah as she scrambled up the wind tunnel to set anchors.

Brent trying to replace Sarah already

You have to love Wall Drug, SD

One of many sketchy leads on climbs that we were unaware of their difficulty until talking to local climbers afterwards.  Brent went on to take two serious whippers that day, however, still off to a strong start.

*Serious whipper - Brent taking a long lead fall while above bolted protection causing Sarah to be rocketed off the ground.

Sarah tackling the roof on lead

Rainy day in the van which resulted in us eating all the good snacks in the van, a tv show marathon, and watching the movie, A Clockwork Orange.

Brent's shout out to the Bill Clinton monument, disregard the direction he's pointing and focus on the fallace shaped rock above the road.

Sarah starting her rappel in the South Seas climbing area, a mile from the Mt. Rushmore monument.
Dangling 100 ft above the ground on Stardancer

At the top of Stardancer

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Whoaaaaaaaa ... Brent on rappel


  1. Love it and love you! PS. I miss your face everyday.

  2. Love the pictures & log of all that you two have been doing....still miss you guys thou!! Love U
