Sunday, July 31, 2011

Greetings from the West Coast

We said goodbye to Smith Rock after spending about 2 weeks there.  In the photo, I am getting ready to rappel from a route on the popular Morning Glory wall.

 During the hot afternoons at Smith we went up to the Palisade Cove to enjoy the lake which had 72 miles of beautiful shoreline fed by three different rivers in Oregon.

After leaving Smith, we drove up the Oregon coast and stayed the night at a campground on a beach near Newport.  The following beach series of photos are from Hug Point near Cannon Beach.  We were lucky to find this gorgeous beach that had caves, a waterfall, and very minimal traffic.

Brent's beach artwork :)

Sunny was very eager to investigate and didn't enjoy all of our picture taking, here's one of the few she agreed to sit and look at the camera.

In order to get some payback for all of her ecstatic jumping and inability to pose for pictures, we would run her out on the beach into the low tide, she quickly retreated after the first wave would break.

One of Sunny's few stoic moments. 

Brent could outrun the hyper little puppy, I wasn't always so lucky.

On our drive up the coast we found some neat restaurants on the ocean and also a little aquarium where I got my seal fix.   We were able to feed the seals and have them do tricks ... it was basically me and a bunch of little kids giggling and having fun :)

We spent the weekend in Seattle and had a great time visiting some friends, walking around the famous Pikes Place Market, and watching our friends, Evie & Jeff get married at a beach resort.  But now our time on the coast has come to an end and we're heading back inland to Idaho and Wyoming for some more great sightseeing in Yellowstone and climbing on Devils Tower.

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