Friday, July 8, 2011

Sunny With-a-Chance-of-Rain

We've added a new member to our vagabonding road crew, Sunshine!!   ....there was no-way of telling Sarah no after her first kiss!

Official name: Sunshine With-a-Chance-of-Rain Tenhoff
Current age: 4 months
Current weight: 25 lbs

We adopted Sunny from a shelter near Provo, Utah, here she is demonstrating her calmer side.

As a Australian Shepherd mix she's the perfect balance of energy and serenity and her instinctual herding quality shines-through during our morning runs, as she likes to stay slightly behind Sarah and I to make sure we stay on the path.

Having already demonstrated her ability to sit on-command during her first day, here she is getting a few pointers on potty training for her first night in the van.

 Sunny sitting awkwardly as we drove out to our campsite. 

Sunny has already shown quite the liking to water, diving head first into creeks and frolicking through streams during our walks.  However, when it came to her first experience with ducks, she was very inquisitive, but too cautious to dive in after them.

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