Friday, June 3, 2011

Camping at Wrinkled Rock

At last, we have reached our 14 day limit at Wrinkled Rock, a dispersed camping area near Rushmore that offered a vaulted toilet, information board, and an uneven parking area that required us to find creative ways to level the van. Simplicity and location would best describe our camp site, when parked here, we could find climbing by walking 5 minutes in any direction.

We'll be leaving SD for Estes Park, CO on Sunday.

Can you spot Sarah in the picture?

While camped, we met a similar vagabond couple living out of their vehicle from Austria. Their plans currently have them posed to travel and climb their way from Alaska to Mexico and everywhere in-between. They shared their dark Italian coffee with us in the mornings and we shared our finest blue ribbon award-winning beer from Milwaukee with them in the evenings.

A typical morning in Betty, brewing coffee as Sarah wakes-up.

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