Friday, June 10, 2011

Vagabonding in Vedauwoo

Our favorite free campsite in Vedauwoo.  We've spent five days in the area and have been able to camp close to some great climbing, biking, and hiking.  We usually spend the mornings here slowly waking up with some coffee and oatmeal while discussing plans for the day.  The weather here has been mild and southern Wyoming is definitely the epitome of a windy day.

A typical morning of rummaging through our gear tote to load up the pack for the day's endeavors.

Brent figuring out how to light the lantern.  We have been using a neat battery powered Black Diamond lantern, our headlamps, and the handy flashlight on my phone for light at night in the van.

Inside the park about to attempt the Turtle Rock trail.  My first experience on a single track shortly ensues and enables us to bike a 4-5 mile loop around the main area.  At our current site in Vedauwoo we've really enjoyed having our bikes not just for the trails, but for commuting around the large climbing area, there's rock to climb everywhere here!

A photo from our belay ledge.  We spent the morning scrambling up to an area where we could set an anchor to practice placing cams and nuts while crack climbing on toprope.

Vedauwoo is definitely home to some interesting rock formations.  Aside from the great climbing, we've seen some really neat plants and rocks during our hikes scouting out the area.

Here's a photo of Sarah preparing for the daunting bike and hike that is to come in order to get out to the Poland Hill climbing area.

Brent walking around the top of Poland Hill.  He's standing in front of the area called Rat Brain.  We spent the afternoon scrambling and picking out climbs we would like to tackle over the next week we're in Wyoming. 

Brent's usually more daring when it comes to scrambling .. plus it's always interesting trying to scramble in your bike shoes. 

Gorgeous views from the top of Poland Hill.  We were able to get out and go for a hike after some rain and thunderstorms earlier in the day.

An attempt at capturing a photo of us.  Out for a sunset walk on Vedauwoo road.

Brent trying to photograph the sunset.   We have really enjoyed the cool evenings in Wyoming that make for great walking weather followed up by making dinner in the van and snuggling up to a movie.

Sunset in Vedauwoo.  We've been very blessed to be able to spend the past week in such a beautiful area!

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