Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Learning in the "Woo"

Brent playing with the new tripod for the video camera.  We're excited to get some new climbing videos put together and posted.  Stay tuned!

New shoes, new type of climbing.  It's been quite the experience going from mainly face climbing on bolted sport routes to having to place your own protection as you climb in the crack climbing mecca of Vedauwoo.

Summitting a climb in the Lower Blair area of Vedauwoo, shortly before a thunderstorm rolled in and rained out what was otherwise a fantastic day of climbing, hiking, and exploring another part of the "Woo".

Brent preparing to set an anchor for a route called "A Dream of Fat Antelope" in Blair.  He's done an amazing job of working through the more adventurous side of climbing from making anchors to wrapping tape gloves to taking lead on our trad climbs, I'm very proud to have such a great climbing partner :)

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