Monday, June 27, 2011

Camping, Climbing, and Living in CO thus far

So we've been on this climbing trip and living out of the van for about a month and a half and it's been quite the adventure spending most of our time outside climbing, running, cooking, and making a few small furry friends.  While in Vedauwoo we had the pleasure of making a small squirrels acquaintance when he thought the side door open on the van during a particular hot and windy day was an invitation to help himself to our dry food storage tote.  While camped up near The Monastery crag outside of Estes Park we met a few determined chipmunks who refused to take my hint of yelling and barking at them and Brent's pine cone throwing skills (see small chipmunk trying to dive into the lime pancake mix bowl above).  And also thought we were being attacked by an ambitious raccoon trying to open our bungee strapped grill in the middle of the night .. turns out it was just the wind and trees. 

Thus far the climbing in Colorado has been our favorite, we've spent the last week getting back into sport climbing on some great granite rock.  The photo is of Brent getting ready to rappel on a route in High Wire crag in Clear Creek Canyon.  However, as the climbing here seems fantastic to us, so does the idea to everyone else which has resulted in the first waits for routes at each crag we've been to in CCC.  It's been fun though getting to meet some local climbers and becoming familiar with the climbing areas we hope to call our home turf.  More CO climbing photos to come once our camera arrives tomorrow!

Photo of Hwy 6 that runs through CCC where there are 600+ routes off of the pull outs along this 8 mile stretch.

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