Friday, June 3, 2011

Nicer weather = more climbing

 At the summit of our first multi-pitch climb, the Waves.

Setting up the first climb of the day down in the South Seas area, a short hike from our camp.  This route like many in Mt. Rushmore started out with the appearance of an easier 5.8 climb ... but resulted in Sarah finding herself in an interesting situation with a 5.11+ crux section toward the top.

*Crux section - The most challenging part of a route which gives the climb its difficulty rating.

*Climbing grades/ratings - Climbs in the U.S. are based on the Yosemite scale that ranges from 5.0-5.15 ... climbs in the 5.7-5.10 range offer moderate and challenging routes, 5.10+ requires even more technique, strength, and mental preparation.

Brent rappelling down in Fallen Rock.  This climbing area near Rapid City was our first venture out of Mt. Rushmore and offered a much different type of rock than we have been climbing on for the past few weeks.  All the climbs in this area could be done by setting up a toprope at the anchors and rapping down off the cliffs.  

Another photo from Fallen Rock.  Sarah getting lowered down after finishing a really neat, pumpy 5.10+ climb. We had a lot of fun climbing here in the sunny afternoon on the overhanging routes with cool features including some pockets, jugs, and hard crack climbing.

Brent cleaning the anchors on a difficult climb in Mt. Rushmore.

Sarah belaying our climbing buddy Chris as he led the tall aforementioned climb, Weird Water, located in the Monster/Marker area in Mt. Rushmore.

Sarah following up on Weird Water while Chris top-belayed and Brent photographed.  This was a really great crystal climb despite the wind that caused for some hesitating moments on the very exposed arete.  However, the summit offered amazing views of Mt. Rushmore park and the awaiting waves from the construction crew and on-lookers from the road.

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