Thursday, June 16, 2011

Flailing in the Woo

Here we are on top of Poland Hill after successfully completing our first traditional climb together. It was a success in the sense that we made it up and back down safely, but unfortunately we lost our camera in the process. Working feverishly to remove a stuck stopper, Sarah didn't realize that she was crushing our $200 camera to save a $5 nut.

We're only 30 days into this trip and we've already broken our camera, an external hard drive, the brakes on the van....and I also dented the rear fender of Betty while backing into a camping this rate, we could be ending the trip a lot sooner than expected.

Using a few stoppers, a cam, and cordelette, I was able to rig a belay station in a finger-crack to allow Sarah to safely follow me up the route.

Inspecting the the stopper that replaced our camera, it looks like we'll be short on pictures until our replacement arrives. (this picture was captured using Sarah's iphone)  

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