Friday, June 10, 2011

Lazy Days in Vedauwoo

Welcome to Vedauwoo!! Where everyday is a holiday!!
One of he largest forest insect blights ever seen in North America, this photo illustrates the damaging effects of the mountain pine beetle. Using the pine trees to lay their eggs, the pine beetle introduces a toxic strain of fungus that prevents the trees ability to process water and nutrients. The one-time shady campground has been clear-cut to prevent further infestation.

On a reconnaissance mission for climbable routes, Sarah and I spent the afternoon biking the park. More beetle infected trees can be seen in the background.

We found a biking trail that circumnavigated around the park which had flowing single-track lines that bounded over large rounded mounds of granite rock that mimicked large turtle shells. Unfortunately, the Turtle Rock Trail was a little too technical for Sarah's introduction into the realm of clipless pedals, luckily her body and spirt are not made of glass!

A reflection pool on top of Poland Hill, just one of the countless picturesque views around the Vedauwoo area.

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